What Jony Ive’s interview with Vogue is signalling
Interesting piece by Robert Sullivan on Jonathan Ive – Apple’s design genius – in Vogue magazine (of all places). Ive rarely gives interviews and almost never speaks in public, so the fact that Apple specifically chose Vogue sends a clear signal. It may be easier to sneak into a North Korean cabinet meeting than into…
Sustainable change needs home-grown leaders
Making improvements to the way your team or organisation works is hard. Changes have a habit of yielding initial improvements, but failing to sustain over the longer term. The reason for this is that the change needs to be embedded or absorbed by the organization’s culture. The mistake we’ve seen many organisations make is that…
How would you rate the Agile tribe?
“If we understand culture better, we will understand ourselves better and recognise some of the forces acting within us that define who we are.” – Edgar Schein Understanding some common patterns in group behaviour can help us identify options for introducing change in organisations. David Logan has done some research on this and has produced…
We’re coming to Orlando! Serious teams, developers, managers and executives from over 40 countries are about to descend on an unsuspecting Orlando, Florida. There’ll be over 1,800 attendees exploring more than 240 talks and workshops from some world-class experts. We have been invited to run a workshop (details below) on Monday, July 28 (14:00 – 15:15). According to…
#LKNA14 San Francisco May 5-8, 2014
We’re coming to San Francisco! Looking forward to hearing some fantastic speakers talk about modern management methods and share a few stories and thoughts of our own. We’ve got a couple of slots: The first will be a talk on Tuesday about Black Swan Farming — tilting the playing field to discover, nurture and speed…
#MIXIT14 – Prioritising ideas using Cost of Delay
Özlem Yüce is coming to Lyon, France to speak at MIXIT14! How can we survive in a world where stakeholders want it all – and they want it yesterday? Are you tired of conflicting priorities and mechanisms that do not give your clear focus? Then this session is for you! At the end of Özlem’s…
Speaking at BCS Edinburgh
I will be speaking at BCS Edinburgh! I am very excited to meet the BCS community and spend some time in lovely Edinburgh. If you are interested, sign up here. Abstract Most organisations don’t suffer from a lack of innovative ideas, they suffer from not being able to pick the best of what turns out…
Fast feedback can save your life
Unlike the 93% of drivers in the US who believe they are above -average in terms of driving skill, I am a little more self-aware. I would not claim to be an above average driver. Despite having had a driving licence for 16 years now, I have lived in Copenhagen for the last five years — so…
How to deal with resistance to change?
When introducing new ideas in an organisation, we often face resistance. Having a structured approach for handling resistance can help to minimise risk and improve the chances of success. A method that I have found helps is to consider each of the main stakeholders based on a couple of parameters: whether they are supporters or…
How to influence decision making?
Linda Rising talks about patterns for introducing new ideas to an organisation. One of the patterns that I often use is the ‘Corridor Politics’. Although I don’t like the name of the pattern, it’s one of the really useful techniques I have come across. “Informally work on decision makers and key influencers before an important vote to…